Insured your home and land: tenant or owner, with or without claims the answer will be found.
Insured your secondary residence or rental property even in unpaid rent!
Insured your boat (whatever its size) or jet ski at the best price.
Insured your electric car or not, we have solutions.
If your have an aggravated profile, licence problems, claims, payment, young driver or senior, we insure !
Protecting the human being is our leitmotif today and tomorrow....
Guarantee your everyday life, cover your health expenses, for you and your loved ones even in death!
Protecting travellers, hunters and lovers of the extreme knows us.
Assurer votre activité pour vous protéger vous et vos clients, peu importe votre domaine d'activité, commerce, petite ou grande restauration, professionnels de santé et encore bien d'autre...
Même en cas de problèmes juridiques.
Contactez-nous !
Assuré votre véhicule de direction et votre outil de travails est indispensable.
Si votre profil est aggravé suite à des sinistre, soucis de payement, redressement judiciaire ou autres, nous assurons.
Assurer vous contre les impondérables lors de vos chantiers pour votre entreprise, vos clients et vous-même...
Si votre profil est aggravé suite a des sinistre, soucis de payement, redressement judiciaire ou autres, nous assurons.
Protéger votre capital l'humain et leur famille est votre intérêt d'aujourd'hui et de demain...
Garantir votre protection en tant que chef d'entreprise même en cas d'arrêt pour maladie ou accident !
Protecting your dog or cat is also part of our missions.
Insured your credit to protect your property during life and your descendants is a mission in its own right....
A real estate project can be a stage in life or the dream of a lifetime, being supported is its sustainability.
With 4 or 2 wheels, we insure your beautiful old, even in fleet...
Insured your best travel companion, profiled, integral or nasturtium, we even cover you for the account taken!
2, 3 or 4 wheels, we insures scooters, motorbikes, tricycles, quads, all engine sizes and all levels of coverage. !
If your have an aggravated profile, licence problems, claims, payment, young driver or senior, we insure !
If your have an aggravated profile, licence problems, claims, payment, young driver or senior, we insure !
Insured your VSP whether you are young or senior, no discrimination with us !
We have solutions for your electric mobility tool, from trottinettes to scooters.....
Insured your precious mobile assistant in case of breakage or robbery, we guarantee you and our repair partners are very efficient.